$22.28 ea

Product Description
Oreco Garden is excited to introduce our newest innovative mulch creation to the Oreco Garden range.
This product is entirely unique from any other mulch product currently available in Australia - possibly even the world!
Made with a cypress pine blend, Oreco Microchip offers a number of benefits to your garden, including:
Excellent Coverage: Microchip offers the most expansive coverage of any other wood mulch product on the market. With value being at the top of the list for many customers, you can rest assured that you will be able to get the job done well on a budget.
Improved Air Circulation: Oreco Microchip mulch offers the best air circulation of any other wood mulch. When purchasing a mulch, air circulation should be on the list of things to check for. Good air circulation stops plants from being smothered and holding too much moisture. The air pockets also help assist with decreasing weed germination as there are limited places for the seed to grow.
Weed Suppression: Appropriate soil prep before laying mulch is essential. Laying mulch at the recommended depth also helps with reducing weeds after the job is complete. Laying mulch at a depth of 50mm for new gardens or at a depth of 25mm for garden top ups ensures that there is enough cover to stop sunlight reaching the soil. Weeds thrive in moist environments with little airflow and sunlight. By reducing sunlight and increasing airflow, Microchip offers the greatest protection possible against weeds in decorative gardens.
Termite resistance: Microchips blend of Cypress and pine offers the added benefit of termite deterrence as well as a pleasant aroma.
Features & Benefits

Sourced 100% from clean, traceable sources in Australia

The combination of great coverage, air circulation and clean material leads to reduced weeds in gardens where appropriate soil preparation has taken place.

Reduces the water evaporation from the soil.

New Gardens: Covers 2m2 at 50mm depth
Replenishment: Covers 4m2 @ 25mm depth
Tips & Hints
Before laying Microchip mulch, ensure your garden has been appropriately prepared.
Remove weeds and tidy up any plants that require maintenance before laying.
For new gardens, we recommend laying your microchip mulch at a depth of 50mm* for best results.
For garden top ups and maintenance, we suggest laying at a depth of 25mm*.
Laying mulch at these depths ensures that there is adequate ground coverage to minimize the amount of sunlight that will penetrate to the soil.
Weeds are inevitable in any garden as seed can easily blow into the yard and fall between the mulch particles.
If sunlight gets through, there is an increased chance of weed germination. Microchip mulch adds the extra benefit of increased air circulation to further reduce the risk of germination as most varieties of weed generally prefer moist environments.
Re-application: Generally, reapplication of decorative mulch is required once per year. This is completely dependant on your personal preference however! If you feel like a changing up the appearance of your garden at any time, you can apply more mulch, or a new colour Microchip any time you want!
*Note: When applying mulch, it's important to remember the product material is not fluid. It is normal for the depth to vary in patches by 10mm - 20mm higher or lower than the recommended depth as the mulch is dispersed. Due to this inevitable variance, the expected achievable garden coverage is only a guide.
How to apply
Thoroughly break up mulch and sprinkle evenly to the desired thickness.
Keep mulch 2cm from plant steams, water entire pot to settle the mulch.
Replenishing 25mm Up to 4m2
New 50mm up to 2m2
Square meters (m2) = length x width